Tuesday, December 25, 2012


The Savior--yes, the Messiah, the Lord--has been born today in Bethlehem, the city of David!
Luke 2:11

Lucia....a little annoyed with her sister.


Getting a little "artsy".

The girls are afraid of "Hanta" so we left his treats outside.

AND made sure to lock the doors and set the alarm.

Aaron always leaves Santa a beer.

Asher's note to Santa reminding him not to let the Reindeer poop in our yard

Christmas "mornin"

More excited about the bosx than the present.

Santa left a trampoline!

Jumping for Joy!

Getting snuggy at Nonna's while she makes dinner.

Lindsey might be more into the legos than Asher.

Friday, November 30, 2012


Last week we we joined some of our favorite peeps at Terry's house for leftovers. It was a luxurious day being pampered by Terry, eating yummy food, and enjoying each other and our beautiful kids. XXOO